Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Start

I do have another blog but i wanted to start fresh and new. My past is my past, and I feel as if i've reached a point in my life where it is time to leave that past behind for good and start documenting from here. I don't regret my past or the things that i have done because i believe that every choice or bad thing that has happened to me in my life has made me stronger and has made the person that i am today, someone i am proud to be and that i will start to embrace. I have a wonderful life and i think that its about time i take advantage of it and the incredible opportunities i am given in my life. I plan to have this blog as an online diary, something to hopefully look back on in a couple of years and relive how i got to where i might be, something to learn from and really, keep me sane.

I want to keep track of my progress in school on here, anything progress i make in the business world, such as internships, i'd like to keep this as a food journal as well keeping track of food i eat to stay healthy, and just an overall place to rant about life.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the World of blogging :) yes, the life and world seems weird to me too.. but it sounds great that you are proud of yourself and want to start fres. Good Luck. keep updating..
