Wednesday, October 24, 2012


October, has kicked my butt. Consisting of a week of midterms, starting a new job, a week of interning in an office for one of my class which was outside the city (making it difficult to get to and from, but i loved it), and then of course getting sick. All in all the month of October has sucked pretty bad. But there are two weeks left of this month and i'm hoping that November has better things in store for me.

On the business front, or lack there of, I'm in the middle of my senior year of college and I'm freaking out. I'm so not into this semester my classes are boring and tedious and consist of what is left of my required courses which means next semester, my final one, can consist of all electives. Electives. Sounds fun and all, except for when you have no idea what to take. My school doesn't offer any exciting electives, and the only classes I enjoyed were the PR classes for my major and they don't have any PR electives! I'm hoping to find an internship for the spring hopefully paid, and hopefully for credit so i don't have to bother with 4 classes hopefully just two.

I recently bought my ticket for a 2 week trip with a friend of mine to London. I couldn't be more excited about it. I've wanted to travel for such a long time and i seriously regret not studying abroad so this is my chance. There is so much I want to do and so much I want to see. My brother has been traveling the U.S. since i graduated H.S and I couldn't be more envious of him. I can't wait to start my journey the day after I graduate!

Monday, December 5, 2011

I can't stand the world these days. Every time i think about what this world has come to it makes me extremely angry. What happened to it? Where did all of the love go? And the beauty and the wonder and mystery and everything that made this place worth living in? Where did it all go?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Start

I do have another blog but i wanted to start fresh and new. My past is my past, and I feel as if i've reached a point in my life where it is time to leave that past behind for good and start documenting from here. I don't regret my past or the things that i have done because i believe that every choice or bad thing that has happened to me in my life has made me stronger and has made the person that i am today, someone i am proud to be and that i will start to embrace. I have a wonderful life and i think that its about time i take advantage of it and the incredible opportunities i am given in my life. I plan to have this blog as an online diary, something to hopefully look back on in a couple of years and relive how i got to where i might be, something to learn from and really, keep me sane.

I want to keep track of my progress in school on here, anything progress i make in the business world, such as internships, i'd like to keep this as a food journal as well keeping track of food i eat to stay healthy, and just an overall place to rant about life.